Michael J. Bernstein, Ph.D.

(He, Him, His)
心理学教授, 心理与社会科学
Woodland, 236j


2020 – 2023
授予Michael J. 伯恩斯坦和约书亚·科雷尔
$459,554 for 36 months

2017 – 2019
Awarded to PI Michael J. Bernstein
$27,000 for 24 months
Ecological momentary assessment and biobehavioral health on the study of social exclusion

2017 – 2019
Awarded to PI Michael J. Bernstein 
$27,000.00 for 24 months

2016 – 2017
Association for Psychological Science Fund for Teaching and Public Understanding of
Psychological Science
Awarded to PI Michael J. 伯恩斯坦和雅各布A. Benfield
$5,000.00 for 12 months

2015 – 2017
Awarded to PI Michael J. Bernstein
$30,500.00 for 24 months

2013 – 2017
授予Michael J. Bernstein and Heather M. Claypool

2015 – 2016
Penn State University Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) Collaborative Fellowship
$10,000 for 12 months

授予Michael J. Bernstein and Heather M. Claypool

2014 – 2015                   
Awarded to PI Michael J. Bernstein
$10,500.00 for 12 months


2020年易胜博. 阿瑟顿卓越教学奖



2013 - 2014年宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校2014届“狮心”奖

2013 - 2014年易胜博教职员参议院学者奖

2012 - 2013年易胜博教务院杰出教学奖

2012 - 2013易胜博娱乐公共学者奖

Social Ostracism, Face Processing, Stereotyping and Prejudice, Person Perception


Deska, J., Kunstman, J., Lloyd, P., Almaraz, A., Bernstein, M. J., Gonzales, J. P., & Hugenberg, K. (2020). 社会痛苦判断中的种族偏见. 实验社会心理学杂志,1988; http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2020.103964 

Kunstman, J., Deska, J., Bernstein, M. J., Ogunbadero, R., & Hugenberg, K. (2020). Black racial phentotypicality shapes social pain and support judgments. 实验社会心理学杂志,1990. 

Lloyd, E. P., Sim, M., Smalley, E., Bernstein, M. J., & Hugenberg, K. (2020). Good Cop, Bad Cop: Race-Based Differences in Mental Representations of Police. 人格与社会心理学通讯. http://doi.org/10.1177/0146167219898562 

Majka, E.A., White, M., Bowling, L., Garcia, R., Skinner, T., Bennett, K.F., Bernstein, M.J., & Sim, J.J. (2020). 同种族和跨种族模仿的附属后果. 社会心理学杂志,160,603-612. 

Schaan, V. K., Schulz, A., Bernstein, M. J., Schächinger, H., & Vögele, C. (2020). Effects of rejection intensity and rejection sensitivity on social approach behavior in women. 科学通报,15(1),e0227799.  

Wirth, J. H., LeRoy, A. S., & Bernstein, M. J. (2020). “You’re such a pain!”: Investigating how psychological pain influences the ostracism of a burdensome group member. 群体过程与群体间关系,23,519-545. 

Bernstein, M. J., Claypool, H. M., Nadzan, M. A., Schuepfer, K., Benfield, J. A., & Nutt, R. J. (2019). 想要和别人在一起, right now: Validating the state motivations to foster social connections scale. 社会心理学杂志,29 (3):789 -724. 

Bernstein, M. J. & Haines, E., (Eds.). (2019). 关于自我和身份的新观点. 纽约,纽约:劳特利奇. 

Claypool, H. M., & Bernstein, M. J. (2019). 排斥及其对社会信息处理的影响. In S. Rudert, R. Greifeneder, & K. Williams (Eds.), Current Directions in Ostracism, Social Exclusion, and Rejection Research. (pp. 49-64). 纽约:心理学出版社.  

Bernstein, M. J., Chen, Z., Poon, K T., Benfield, J. A., & Ng, H. K. S. (2018). Ostracized but why? Effects of attributions and empathy on connecting with the socially excluded. PLOS-One. http://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0201183 

Bernstein, M. J., Zawadzki, M. J., Juth, V., Benfield, J. A., & Smyth, J. (2018). Social interactions in daily life: Within-person associations between momentary social experiences and psychological and physical health indicators. 心理学报,35 (5):372-394. 

Kunstman, J. W., Lloyd, E. P., Tuscherer, T., & Bernstein, M. J., (2017). The face of suspicion: Suspicion of whites’ motives moderates mental representations of whites. 社会心理学与人格科学,8,953-960. 

Wesselmann, E. D., Wirth, J. H., & Bernstein, M. J. (2017). 对社会包容和排斥的期望. 心理学前沿,8,112. 

Wirth, J. H., Bernstein, M. J., Wesselmann, E. D., & LeRoy, A. S. (2017). Social cues establish expectations of rejection and affect the response to being rejected. 群体过程与群体间关系,2009,32-51. 

Bernstein, M. J., (2016). Research in social psychology: Consequences of short- and long-term social exclusion. In Riva, P. & Eck, J. (Eds), Social Exclusion: Psychological approaches to understanding and reducing its impact (pp. 51-72). 瑞士,施普林格国际出版社.

Cursan, A., & Bernstein, M. J., Pascual, A., & Felonneua, M. L. (2016). Impact of gendered in-group/out-group ostracism on women’s academic performances. 社会心理学杂志.

Bernstein, M. J., Sacco, D. F., Young, S. G., Hugenberg, K. (in press). The impact of race and inclusionary status on memory for ingroup and outgroup faces. 基础与应用社会心理学.

Klein, R. A., Ratliff, K. A., Vianello, M., Adams, R. B., Jr., Bahník, S., Bernstein, M. J., Bocian, K., Brandt, M. J., Brooks, B., Brumbaugh, C. C., Cemalcilar, Z., Chandler, J., Cheong, W., Davis, W. E., Devos, T., Eisner, M., Frankowska, N., Furrow, D., Galliani, E. M., Hasselman, F., Hicks, J. A., Hovermale, J. F., Hunt, S. J., Huntsinger, J. R., IJzerman, H., John, M., Joy-Gaba, J. A., Kappes, H. B., Krueger, L. E., Kurtz, J., Levitan, C. A., Mallett, R. K., Morris, W. L., Nelson, A. J., Nier, J. A., Packard, G., Pilati, R., Rutchick, A. M., Schmidt, K., Skorinko, J. L., Smith, R., Steiner, T. G., Storbeck, J., Van Swol, L. M., Thompson, D., van 't Veer, A. E., Vaughn, L. A., Vranka, M., Wichman, A. L., Woodzicka, J. A., & Nosek, B. A. (in press). Data from investigating variation in replicability: A "many labs" replication project. Manuscript in press at 开放心理学数据杂志.

Sacco, D. F., Bernstein, M. J., Young, S. G., & Hugenberg, K. (in press). Reactions to social inclusion and exclusion as a function of perceived ingroup similarity. 群体动力学:理论、研究与实践.

Wirth, J. H., Turchan, P. J., Zimmerman, A. G., & Bernstein, M. J. (in press). Atimia: A novel group-based paradigm for manipulating ostracism and group members’ performance. 群体动力学:理论、研究与实践.

Claypool, H. M., & Bernstein, M. J. (2014). Social exclusion and stereotyping: Why and when exclusion fosters individuation of others. 人格与社会心理学杂志,2006, 571.

*Gillmor, K., Bernstein, M. J., Benfield, J. A. (2014). Have you no shame? Infrahumanization of promiscuous sexual assault victims as moderated by dispositional and situational Just World orientation. 学生研究学报,3, 34-45 

Klein, R. A., Ratliff, K. A., Vianello, M., Adams, R. B., Jr., Bahník, Š., Bernstein, M. J., Bocian, K., Brandt, M. J., Brooks, B., Brumbaugh, C. C., Cemalcilar, Z., Chandler, J., Cheong, W., Davis, W. E., Devos, T., Eisner, M., Frankowska, N., Furrow, D., Galliani, E. M., Hasselman, F., Hicks, J. A., Hovermale, J. F., Hunt, S. J., Huntsinger, J. R., IJzerman, H., John, M., Joy-Gaba, J. A., Kappes, H. B., Krueger, L. E., Kurtz, J., Levitan, C. A., Mallett, R., Morris, W. L., Nelson, A. J., Nier, J. A., Packard, G., Pilati, R., Rutchick, A. M., Schmidt, K., Skorinko, J. L., Smith, R., Steiner, T. G., Storbeck, J., Van Swol, L. M., Thompson, D., van’t Veer, A., Vaughn, L. A., Vranka, M., Wichman, A., Woodzicka, J. A., & Nosek, B. A. (2014). Investigating variation in replicability: A “many labs” replication project. Social Psychology, 45, 142-152.

*Standish, A., Benfield, J. A., Bernstein, M. J., & Tragresser, S. (2014). Characteristics of borderline personality disorder and disgust sensitivity. 心理记录, 1-9.

Wilson, J. P., See, P. E., Hugenberg, K., Bernstein, M. J., & Chartier, C. R. (2014). Anticipated interaction moderates the own-group bias in face recognition. PLOS One, 9, e90668.

Zhansheng, C., Bernstein, M. J., Poon, K. T., & Teng, F. (2014). Rejecting another pains the self: The impact of perceived future rejection. 实验社会心理学杂志, 50, 225-233.

Bernstein, M. J., Claypool, H. M., Young, S. G., Tuscherer, T., Sacco, D. F., & Brown, C. M. (2013). Never let them see you cry: Self-presentation as a moderator of the relationship between exclusion and self-esteem. 人格与社会心理学通讯 

Bernstein, M. J. & Benfield, J. A. (2013). Past perspectives are related to present relationships: Past-positive and negative time perspectives differentially predict rejection sensitivity. 《易胜博》,63, 615-628.

Wilson, J. P., Hugenberg, K. J., & Bernstein, M. J. (2013). The Cross-Race effect and eyewitness identification: How to improve recognition and reduce decision errors in eyewitness situations. 社会利益与政策评论,7, 83-113.

Zell, E., & Bernstein, M. J. (2013). You may think you’re right… Young adults are more liberal than they realize. 社会心理与人格科学.

Bernstein, M. J., & Claypool, H. M. (2012a). Social exclusion and pain sensitivity: Why exclusion sometimes hurts and sometimes numbs. 人格与社会心理学通报,38, 185-196.

Bernstein, M. J., & Claypool, H. M. (2012b). Not all social exclusions are created equal: Emotional distress following social exclusion is moderated by exclusion paradigm. Social Influence, 7, 113-130.

Claypool, H. M., Housley, M. K., Hugenberg, K., Bernstein, M. J., & Mackie, D. M. (2012). 融入:流畅的处理将其他人带入团队. 群体过程和群体间关系,15, 441-455.

Lee, E. A., Soto, J. A., Swim, J. K., & Bernstein, M. J. (2012). Bitter reproach or sweet revenge: Cultural differences in response to racism. 人格与社会心理学通报,38, 920-932 

Oikawa, K., Odero, G. L., Platt, E., Hatherwell, A., Bernstein, M. J., Albensi, B. C. (2012). NF-kB p50 Subunit Knockout Impairs Late LTP and Alters Long Term Memory in the Mouse. 生物医学中枢神经科学, 13:45. 

*Ratcliff, N. J. & Bernstein, M. J., Cundiff, J. L., & Vescio T. K. (2012). Seeing wrath from the top (through stratified lenses): Perceivers high in social dominance orientation show superior anger identification for high-status individuals. 实验社会心理学杂志,48, 1373-1376.

Sacco, D. F., Young, S. G., Brown, C. M., Bernstein, M. J., & Hugenberg, K. (2012). Social exclusion and female mating behavior: Rejected women show strategic enhancement of short-term mating interest. 进化心理学,10, 573-587.

Young, S. G., Hugenberg, K. J., Bernstein, M. J., & Sacco, D. F. (2012). Perception and motivation in face recognition: A critical review of theories of the Cross Race Effect. 《易胜博》,2016, 116-142.

Hugenberg, K., Young, S.G., Sacco, D.F., & Bernstein, M.J. (2011). 社会分类影响面孔知觉和面孔记忆. In A.J. Calder, G. Rhodes, J.V. Haxby, and M. H. Johnson, (Eds.), 《易胜博娱乐》. 牛津:牛津大学出版社.

*Ratcliff, N., Hugenberg, K., Shriver, E., & Bernstein, M. J. (2011). 权力的诱惑:地位对面部记忆的影响. 人格与社会心理学通报,37,1003-1015.

Sacco, D. F., Brown, C. M., Young, S. G., Bernstein, M. J., & Hugenberg, K. (2011). 社会包容促进了男性的冒险交配行为. Personality and 社会心理学通报,37, 985-998.

Bernstein, M. J., Sacco, D. F., Brown, C. M., Young, S. G., & Claypool, H. M. (2010). 被社会排斥后对真诚微笑的偏好. 实验社会心理学杂志, 46, 196-199.

Bernstein, M. J., Sacco, D. F., Young, S. G., Hugenberg, K., & Cook, E. (2010). Being ‘in’ with the in crowd: The effects of social exclusion and inclusion are enhanced by the perceived essentialism of ingroups and outgroups. 人格与社会心理学通讯, 36, 999-1009.

Bernstein, M. J., Young, S. G., & Claypool, H. M. (2010). 奥巴马的胜利是黑人的胜利? 2008年大选后隐性偏见的变化. Social Psychology, 41, 147-151.

Hugenberg, K., Young, Bernstein, M. J., S. G., & Sacco, D. (2010). The categorization-individuation model: An integrative account of the cross race recognition deficit. 心理评论,117, 1168-1187.

Sacco, D. F. & Bernstein, M. J. (2010). A video introduction to psychology: Using technology to facilitate interest and participation in psychology research. 教学心理学杂志,37, 28-31.

Young S.G., Bernstein, M.J., & Hugenberg, K. (2010). 人脸识别中的自我群体偏见何时发生? 编码与识别. Social Cognition, 28, 140-150. 

Brown, C. M., Young, S. G., Sacco, D. F., Bernstein, M. J., & Claypool, H. M. (2009). 社会包容促进了交配的兴趣. 进化心理学,7, 11-27. 

Young, S. G., Bernstein, M. J., & Claypool, H. M. (2009). Rejected by the nation: The electoral defeat of candidates included in the self is experienced as personal rejection. 社会问题和公共政策分析, 9, 315-326.

Young, S.G., Hugenberg, K., Bernstein, M.J., & Sacco, D.F. (2009). 跨种族背景削弱了同种族的面部识别. 实验社会心理学杂志, 45, 1123-1126.

Bernstein, M. J., Young, S. G., Brown, C. M., Sacco, D. F., & Claypool, H. M. (2008). Adaptive responses to social exclusion: Social rejection improves detection of real and fake smiles. 心理科学,2009, 981-983. 

Shriver, E., Young, S. G., Hugenberg, K., Bernstein, M. J., & Lanter, J. (2008). Class, race, and the face: Social context modulates the cross-race effect in face recognition. 人格与社会心理学通报,34, 260-274.

Bernstein, M. J., Young, S. G., & Hugenberg, K. (2007). The cross-category effect: Mere social categorization is sufficient to elicit an own-group bias in face recognition. 心理科学,18, 706-712.


