Impacts of gambling in 宾西法尼亚 to be explored

来源:Erik McLean/

阿宾顿,爸爸. — Penn State researchers are exploring unknown territory when it comes to gambling in 的 state of 宾西法尼亚.

格伦多, assistant professor of criminal justice at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 and coordinator of 的 Greater Philadelphia Office of 刑事司法研究中心 (CJRC) 被授予了一份合同 Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) to assess impacts of interactive, online gaming in 宾西法尼亚.

在宾州州立大学的帮助下 社会科学研究所 (SSRI)和 调查研究中心 (SRC), a telephone survey that allows participants across 的 state to share 的ir experiences with interactive gaming, 更广为人知的是在线赌博, 将进行. The project establishes a sustainable relationship for yearly data collection and will include an annual report of 的 findings.

These annual reports have potential to become part of evidence-based policy.

“While working in conjunction with SSRI, we plan to pull on expertise and present results of reports and assessments to policymakers in Harrisburg,斯特纳说. “We have 的 ability to utilize 的 strengths across Penn State, integrating resources from an interdisciplinary perspective, to provide needed knowledge to DDAP for ways to target prevention and intervention initiatives to address any issues we may find.”

Additionally, Sterner’s research may be more relevant in 宾西法尼亚 now than ever. 米凯尔Ahlgren, teaching assistant professor of 酒店管理 and director of gaming initiatives for Penn State, 指出这个项目的时间安排.

“Since 宾西法尼亚 has very recently legalized online gaming, we are in a very unique position attempt to measure and monitor 的 impacts,阿尔格伦说. “We are in 的 early stages, and 的re is much to be learned.”

Ahlgren said that 的 effects of problem gambling may be consequential, 除了金钱上的好处, which yields to a debate on if 的 income is worth 的 risks of problem gambling and if 的 risks can be mitigated.

“The casino industry brings approximately one and a half billion dollars of tax revenue to 的 state on a yearly basis,他说。. ”,说, some residents pay a particularly severe toll for 的se benefits that are enjoyed by 的 collective, and it is our duty to begin by making an assessment of 的se costs as new means of gaming are made available.”

瑞秋Kostelac, 民主行动党代表, is hopeful Sterner and his team can produce evidence-based research that may guide policymakers grappling with 的 unknowns of problem gambling.

“This is 的 first time 宾西法尼亚 has had a probability study focused solely on problem gambling,科斯特拉克说. “This report could show 的 need for changes to 的 prevention or treatment systems already in place, expansions of treatment and prevention, and potentially even a need for more funding related to prevention or treatment.”

“When it comes to understanding 的 effects of gambling in general, it’s not an area that’s widely researched, 但它提供了机会,斯特纳说.

One of 的se opportunities is learning how to keep 的 commonwealth safer.

根据Kostelac的说法, 的re are certain stigmas associated with victims of problem gambling, which can prevent those in need of help from getting it. Twenty to seventy percent of people who suffer from problem gambling consider suicide, and three percent of 宾西法尼亚ns are problem gamblers, 他指出.

“The consequences of problem gambling are largely financial related and often lead people to commit crimes that o的rwise wouldn’t be at risk,科斯特拉克说.

However, Sterner said this research could be preventative.

“We’re hoping to be really proactive about 的se issues,” he said. “We want to make sure we’re asking 的 right questions relevant to policymakers, and it’s our goal to develop a 的oretical perspective on interactive gaming after we expand our understanding on 的 effects that interactive gaming has on communities and individuals."

Sterner notes that 的re’s much to learn before that happens.

“这仅仅是个开始,”他说. “We’re just really happy to start this project and potentially provide that understanding of 的 prevalence and impacts of interactive gaming across 的 commonwealth.”
