University to continue providing resources to mitigate spread of COVID-19

Vaccine vials


Credit: Penn State Health

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -学生们计划在2022年秋季学期返回易胜博校园, 大学继续提供资源,帮助个人保持安全和健康,防止COVID-19的传播. 

“While we are largely returning to normal activities, both on our campuses and in other aspects of our daily lives, 重要的是要记住,冠状病毒仍与我们同在,我们都必须采取预防措施,避免感染和传播COVID-19,” said Penn State President Neeli Bendapudi. “与大流行开始时不同的是,我们拥有尽可能安全的工具和知识. 关注自我保健和做出健康的决定是保持我们自己和校园社区健康的重要措施. We are One Penn State community, and it will take all of us working together to keep us all safe and healthy.”  


COVID-19检测和疫苗广泛可用,大学将继续提供 contact tracing 为在校学生以及住校学生提供校内或校园附近的隔离和隔离空间.  


  • 该大学强烈建议在疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)指定的高致病性县的校园室内佩戴口罩 COVID-19 Community Levels
  • Even on campuses in counties with low or medium COVID-19 Community Levels, 大学鼓励任何希望在室内戴口罩的人继续这样做. 
  • 在提供医疗保健的设施和法律要求的其他地点,将继续要求佩戴口罩, including indoors at the College of Medicine, Penn State Health locations, University Health Services and other campus health care centers.  



  • 大学强烈鼓励社区所有成员及时接种COVID-19疫苗,包括加强剂量,并与大学分享他们的疫苗接种情况.  
  • Students at University Park, Commonwealth Campuses and Dickinson Law can upload their vaccination records through myUHS.
  • At University Park, University Health Services 能否为学生预约接受第一剂和第二剂(初级系列)现代疫苗及其加强剂. 
  • For students and employees at Commonwealth Campuses, 通过邮政编码搜索列出的当地疫苗站点位置可以在网上找到



  • 学生应在返校前使用快速家庭测试进行COVID-19测试. If the test is positive, 他们应该在家中至少待5天,检测结果呈阴性后再去学校.  
  • 强烈建议学生购买家用COVID-19检测试剂盒,并在今年秋天带一套设备到校园.  
  • Free at-home rapid tests provided by the U.S. government are available to be ordered online at 有关与多个不相关的人住在一个地址的学生订购考试的信息,可在大学的 Coronavirus Information website
  • 拥有私人健康保险或参加团体健康计划的个人 也有资格由他们的保险提供商每月提供多达八次的家庭COVID-19测试. 
  • While mail-in COVID-19 tests can no longer be ordered from Vault Health, 拥有以前订购的未过期的Vault测试的个人可以继续使用这些测试. Test expiration dates are indicated on the test packaging.  
  • At University Park, 居住在校园或当地社区的学生如果出现COVID-19症状,应 透过大学保健处安排与大学保健处的测试预约.  
  • Students living on or near other Penn State campuses 应该通过学校的卫生服务机构还是当地的医疗机构进行症状检测. 
  • At University Park, 学生可在大学保健处进行在家测试,如有要求,可在正常办公时间到大学公园宿舍公共服务台进行测试. 
  • At Commonwealth Campuses, 口罩和测试可在校园健康中心提供,也可在正常营业时间应住房和食品服务办公室的要求提供.  



CDC guidance no longer calls for quarantine for individuals who have been exposed to COVID-19. Instead, individuals who have been exposed to COVID-19 should begin wearing a well-fitting mask indoors immediately and take a COVID-19 test after five days. 检测呈阴性的个人应继续在室内与其他人一起佩戴口罩10天. Those who test positive should enter isolation immediately.

  • On-campus space available for isolation is limited. 住在学校附近的学生被鼓励在家隔离. 住在校外宿舍的学生不提供校内隔离空间. 
  • For residential students who are unable to go home to isolate, isolation space will be provided. 
  • Non-residential students should isolate at home or in their apartment or house, 最好是在一个可以避免与家人接触的地方. 
  • 最新的检疫隔离指南可在该大学的网站上找到 Coronavirus Information website.  
  • 出现COVID-19症状或检测呈阳性的员工应通知其直接主管并在家中隔离. Faculty and staff with a positive test result should email [email protected] and provide the following information: 
    • The date symptoms started.
    • The date of the positive COVID-19 test.
    • First day of missed work. 
    • Ability to work remotely. 


If you feel sick 

出现COVID-19症状的学生或担心自己可能接触过COVID-19的学生, should not go to class or participate in other activities. Instead, these students should seek out symptomatic COVID-19 testing through UHS, their campus health center or another health care provider. Individuals can perform a daily self-check by using the Penn State GO app COVID-19 Symptom Checker. 

学生可以通过以下方式通知大学第三方阳性实验室检测结果 submitting test results through myUHS. 使用家庭测试工具测试呈阳性的学生可以通过填写 online referral form, being sure to include the date the test was taken. More information on how to report positive test results can be found on the Coronavirus Information website.  

Employees who feel sick should stay home. 出现COVID-19症状或检测呈阳性的员工应通知其直接主管并在家中隔离. Faculty and staff with a positive test result should email [email protected] and provide the following information: 

  • The date symptoms started. 
  • The date of the positive COVID-19 test.
  • First day of missed work. 
  • Ability to work remotely.  

Visit for the latest information on COVID-19 at Penn State.