

易胜博娱乐分校的学生, 卡特里娜·黑里德, 金伯利Hemmings-Jarrett and tour guide hold up number one for the first trip to 牙买加. 从左至右:宫崎骏、Swain Reid(导游)、Daeja Newman博士. 卡特里娜·布莱克·里德(联合主演), 米娅Lepard, Darryl Gregory(后面), 莎拉•约翰逊, CyNaa米切尔, 金伯利·海明斯-贾勒特(主演), 亚什·阿明(后面), 加布里埃尔Gibilante, 布丽安娜·汤普森, Keon海耶斯

来源:Kimberley hemings - jarrett

阿宾顿,爸爸. ——金伯利·海明斯-贾勒特, 易胜博娱乐分校商业和社会科学助理教学教授, recently integrated two Experiential Digital 全球 Engagement (EDGE) projects into her embedded course on social media analytics and inclusive leisure last fall. EDGE项目, 基于项目学习的全球虚拟交流倡议, draws inspiration from the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) program established at the State University of New York. 海明斯-贾勒特自2022年以来一直是EDGE的支持者, 当她第一次在课堂上实施时.

Hemmings-Jarrett began teaching at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 in 2021 after completing her doctoral degree at Drexel University College of Computing and Informatics. 另外, she serves as an adjunct professor at The University of Technology (UTech) in Kingston, 牙买加, 她在哪里读的本科. Although Hemmings-Jarret is a native of 牙买加 and resided as an international student in the United States for several years, 她说,在加入易胜博之前,她最初缺乏对全球项目的了解. 通过与同事的交谈和探索EDGE项目, Hemmings-Jarrett说 she recognized the program's potential for fostering continued collaboration with her home institution.

EDGE项目 provided Hemmings-Jarrett with an opportunity to streamline her teaching efforts while engaging in a unique collaboration spanning both of her home universities. 主要是在科技大学做“客座讲师”, 她将讲座中的话题改编成EDGE项目, 为不同院校的学生创造有凝聚力的学习体验. 去年秋天, Hemmings-Jarrett took advantage of the opportunity to collaborate in person with UTech in 牙买加, enhancing the educational journey for her 易胜博娱乐分校的学生 and fostering international partnerships in academia.

“去年秋天, [Penn State] students who couldn't physically travel to 牙买加 in my fall embedded class got to virtually explore places on the island while their 牙买加n EDGE partners gave them the tour,海明斯-贾勒特说. "Then they flipped and they gave the 牙买加n students a campus tour of 阿宾顿 in the fall ... it was awe-inspiring to hear the 牙买加n students get excited about standing under trees that change color 第一次."

The social media analytics and inclusive leisure class led by Hemmings-Jarrett delved into the complexity of creating social media content tailored to demographics beyond one's own. The course emphasized search engine optimization concepts crucial for social media managers and content creators, 确保内容的可搜索性,同时灌输微妙的营销方法. Students were tasked with crafting content that was not only accessible and inclusive but also accurately targeted their chosen audiences or represented them in suitable ways.

对于第一个EDGE项目, students were tasked with creating text content using artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT, working alongside The University of the West Indies globalization and policy students to ensure ethical and legal standards were met. 在这个时候,美国.S. students had not traveled to the locations they were tasked with creating content for. So, Hemmings-Jarrett说, it was important for students to utilize the West Indies collaboration to ensure the content was appropriately representing these locations and the culture.

"It's not only about what our students can get but also what they can give,海明斯-贾勒特说. "Immersive technologies like virtual reality allow communities of people globally to meet virtually, 和走路, 共同探索和创造."

第二个EDGE项目专注于创造360度, immersive video content of the locations visited throughout the trip to be used in virtual reality (VR). 在旅行之前, 易胜博娱乐分校的学生 were trained by the Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) faculty on how to use the cameras required to capture this form of content, 以及用于创建VR旅游的沉浸式平台ThingLink.

A notable aspect of this EDGE project was its adaptation for students who could not physically travel to 牙买加. Among the 14 students involved, four were unable to participate in the embedded experience. 为了弥补这一差距, 牙买加的VR之旅是专门为他们在旅途中创建的, 这标志着VR技术首次融入EDGE项目.

对于Hemmings-Jarrett, the most rewarding aspect of this work with the EDGE program was encompassed in the entirety of the experience. 向学生介绍多元化的国际视野, 尤其是在一个黑人占多数的国家, 非常充实, 她说. Being the first to lead students from 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 to the Caribbean community (CARICOM) held significant meaning as Hemmings-Jarrett calls herself “fiercely Caribbean” and is proud and passionate about her Caribbean identity.

“国际学术伙伴关系必须真正具有包容性, 放大的声音往往被边缘化,海明斯-贾勒特说. "We live in a globalized community so why not bring that into our classroom experiences too?"

海明斯-贾勒特说,这段经历对学生们也产生了深远的影响. Having two first-generation 牙买加n students on the trip added depth to the cultural exchange, offering them a chance to connect with their roots in ways they had never experienced. 对一些学生来说, 这次旅行标志着他们的第一次国际经验, 四名学生获得了护照,走出了美国.S. 第一次. 这次旅行的变革本质是显而易见的, 她说, 随着学生的成熟和获得宝贵的技能, leading to two students’ employment on a grant project building VR project for a colleague from the West Indies.

2025年春季的下一次旅行计划已经在进行中. 这一次, 重点将放在商业智能课程上, 驻扎在易胜博娱乐分校,准备探索加勒比海的五个岛屿. 

EDGE provides opportunities to further enhance cultural exchanges and expand educational horizons. 这个程序可以实现成 几乎任何 学术课程,包括嵌入式选项. 有关如何启动EDGE协作的更多信息,请访问 www.globalEDGEucation.事业单位.edu 或发送电子邮件至EDGE项目助理特雷西·科尔曼 (电子邮件保护) 了解更多信息.